09:00 – 18:00

Montag bis Freitag

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Willkommen bei der Investa Vermögensberatung GmbH. Wir verfügen über mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung im Investmentbereich.

09:00 – 18:00

Montag bis Freitag

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Sona Energy


Help create attractive prices and ensure efficient billing

Innovative energy service providers are facing tough competition in the fiercely-contested electricity and gas market. In order to gain new customers they have to offer not only innovative and sustainable products, but also have to create attractively-priced offers and guarantee excellent energy billing and customer services.


Integrated customer service

An integrated service for customer service and energy billing enables innovative energy service providers to focus on energy procurement and marketing. On the one hand this ensures cost control, while on the other hand the companies gain a strong partner for implementing the regulatory and statutory requirements as well as energy management processes.

In conjunction with our customers we have implemented different components from our comprehensive service range in accordance with their requirements and the products offered. These include classic front-office customer service activities, for example customer advice and care. But we also offer effective back-office activities such as customer registration, handling customers who switch providers, auditing and customer billing.


A successful transition and operational excellence

  • Handling customers who switch providers (standardized data and document management, switching suppliers in accordance with GPKE/GeLiGas regulations.
  • Auditing (checking the network usage payments, plausibility check of consumption figures, market partner communication).
  • Customer billing (processing payments, commercial dunning procedures and collection).
  • Customer service (customer care via telephone and in writing, clarification of questions on customer registration and bills receivable and billing).

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